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OLLI Classes in Omaha

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has been fulfilling the curiosity of adults 50 years and older for more than 30 years. Now OLLI is expanding its program into the Omaha Metro area.


The OLLI Showcase described below attracted about 400 individuals!  It is now complete.


New members who register online at: by August 31 will receive a $10 discount on the membership dues for the year.  You need to create a new account, then click on the box entitled "Membership."  Use the Promo Code:   omaha25.  Click "apply"to get the discounted dues. Offer ends August 31, 2024, so don't delay!


The event described below is complete.  It gives some background on OLLI at UNL.


You’re invited to the OLLI Omaha Showcase event to learn more about OLLI.  OLLI is part of a national network of 125 lifelong learning programs at colleges and universities across the United States connected with the Bernard Osher Foundation. There are no tests and no grades. OLLI is for the LOVE of LEARNING, because Curiosity Never Retires!


OLLI is a membership program designed for adults 50 years of age and older who value lifelong learning and social interaction. The program gives people who are near, at, or beyond retirement age an opportunity to continue to engage in learning something new, as well as meet others with similar interests. OLLI offers noncredit courses, lectures, events, interest groups, and travel opportunities across the United States and internationally.


Register and come! Bring a friend, family member or colleague.


OLLI Omaha Showcase

Thursday, July 25, 2024

8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine St., Omaha, NE

Light Breakfast

Free and Open to the public!

Sample courses taught by OLLI instructors.


Registration is required. Register for the OLLI Omaha Showcase by July 19, 2024Click here for a description of the classes to be offered.


Registration at


We look forward to seeing you!

Bob Michl

OLLI at UNL Director


Event Sponsors: Allo Fiber, Bridge to Better Living, Eastmont Senior Living, Horisun Hospice

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