Vote in the election

Be sure to vote November 5
An important election is coming November 5. Not only will we elect a new President and Vice President, we will also have the opportunity to elect two US Senators from Nebraska, a US Congressman, a number of Nebraska State Senators, and representatives to the Nebraska State Board of Education. In addition, there are a number of ballot issues to be decided on the use of Medical marijuana, paid sick leave, abortion, and the use of public money to fund private education.
NSEA uses a formal process to recommend candidates for office. The process involves educators at the local level, and includes a comprehensive questionnaire, in-person interviews, and review of recommended candidates by various elected-leader boards before the list is finalized. The process is focused on how the candidates respond to the needs of public education. You can find a list of the recommended candidates on the NSEA website, Click on the “Recommended Candidates” link on the home page to get the list.
Initiative petitions for Medical marijuana, paid sick leave, and abortion are seeking to amend either the Nebraska Constitution or enact a specific proposal. Since those measures will add to the body of laws, the vote for those measures will be either “For” or “Against” the measure.
LB 1402, the scheme to give public tax dollars to private schools, will be on the November ballot. Since LB 1402 is current law, the ballot language for this measure will ask voters to either “Retain” LB 1402 or “Repeal” LB 1402. Click on the “Repeal LB1402” link on the NSEA website to learn more about it, and how you can help. The ballot language regarding LB 1402 is labelled Referendum Measure 435.
If you voted using a mail-in or absentee ballot, you can check to be sure that your ballot was received by clicking here. You will need to enter your name and the Nebraska county where you are registered to vote. To check on the status of your ballot you need to enter your birthdate. You can also find your polling place on this website.